Vision & Mission & Values


The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College) is committed to becoming a leading institution for learning and teaching, both locally and overseas. We strike a balance between a challenging curriculum, diverse activities, and Islamic teachings derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah (Prophet Muhammad SAW’s exemplary actions).


The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College Indonesia) aims to foster self-directed learners with problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Our curriculum embraces individuality through diversity, flexible teaching methods, and student-centered processes. We create a school environment instilling love and obedience to Allah (s.w.t.) in accordance with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), enabling students to benefit from the teachings of the Holy Al-Quran and the Sunnah.

We are dedicated to being an accessible Independent Learning Centre for the local Muslim community. Our core mission is to promote educational excellence and nurture leadership qualities for all students. We aspire to make our school one of the leading International Islamic institutions, guided by Islamic principles within a safe and caring environment.

The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College) offers a global educational pathway for students, culminating in Year 12. This qualification opens doors for tertiary education globally and allows parents to gauge their child’s performance against international standards.


Shidq / Righteous: Trust, Respect, Tolerance

Amanah / Trustworthy: Honesty

Tabligh / Promote good deeds: Caring

Fathonah / Smart:

Quality learning Responsible, Enthusiast, Supportive, Persistent, Excellent, Cooperative, Trustworthy

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