
” A Day in the Life of Our Boarding Students “

Our students begin each day with purpose, starting with Fajr prayer at the Masjid, which sets a spiritual tone that enriches their day. After prayers, they return to their dorms, cultivating vital life skills like organization and responsibility while tidying their living spaces.

Focused self-study sessions follow, nurturing academic excellence and independence, empowering them to excel. A revitalizing shower and a nutritious breakfast prepare them for the day ahead.

Their school day begins with fellow students. After school, they engage in sports and recreational activities, promoting a well-rounded lifestyle, or return to dorms for relaxation, encouraging personal growth and friendships.

Evenings include dinner, followed by prayers and Quranic lessons with our hafiz teacher, concluding with a serene recitation of Al-Mulk. With tranquility, they retire to well-prepared dorms for the next day’s adventures.

For our students in the weekly boarding program, weekends offer the opportunity to return home and nurture essential family bonds. In contrast, our yearly boarding program is designed primarily for international students. Although they return home once a year, we ensure they don’t miss their families by arranging various activities that foster a strong sense of community and belonging.

Our boarding facility guarantees a safe, comfortable environment with 24-hour security and surveillance systems. We provide thoughtfully prepared meals, creating a worry-free experience. Staying here offers students opportunities to develop independence, time-management skills, friendships, and a deep spiritual connection, fostering an inspiring journey in their school life.

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