Fundamental Principles

  1. Equality: All individuals are equal, transcending distinctions of color, race, religion, or sex.
  2. Respect: Embrace respect for opinions, feelings, property, well-being, the right to learn, and live free from interference.
  3. Individual Needs: Prioritize the individual’s needs.
  4. Guided Growth: Recognizing human nature’s complexity, we guide and teach young minds toward the good, fostering an understanding of diverse cultures and societies while promoting active and responsible global citizenship.
  5. Active Learning: Inspire continuous learning and strive for personal excellence.
  6. Social Skills: Equip young minds with social skills for harmonious cooperation and competition within societal norms.
  7. Islamic Ethos: The richness of Islamic teachings guides the College’s direction not only within Indonesia but also on a global scale.

These principles underscore our commitment to nurturing holistic individuals who thrive academically, ethically, and spiritually.

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