
Guided by an unwavering commitment to excellence in Islamic education, the College endeavors to:

  1. Deliver a high-quality, inclusive, and integrated education that nurtures every child’s talents, enabling them to reach their full potential while remaining attuned to the socio-cultural and economic needs of both the College’s Islamic community and the nation at large.
  2. Cultivate graduates who embrace their Muslim identity with pride.
  3. Empower all students to attain elevated standards of learning, fostering self-esteem, optimism, respect for others, and personal excellence.
  4. Ensure equitable access to educational opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities, and cater to the needs of students requiring specialized learning support.
  5. Equip students with the skills, knowledge, and competencies essential for adaptable post-school learning, professional pursuits, and diverse life experiences.
  6. Lay a foundation for further education and training by nurturing a love for learning and cultivating a positive attitude towards lifelong education.
  7. Instill in students an appreciation for the Islamic cultural heritage, as well as a profound respect for Indonesia’s diverse ethnic backgrounds and other world cultures.
  8. Foster the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that empower students to be active, well-informed global citizens dedicated to enhancing the world.
  9. Promote the physical development and personal well-being of students, encouraging creative engagement during leisure time.
  10. Develop students’ understanding of work’s significance in society, offering opportunities to cultivate productive work practices and reverence for the rights of fellow individuals in professional settings.
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